





完全重写为Invision Community 狗万最低限额4.5作为一个应用程序。插入最CSS任何Invision应用程序的CSS,但在自定义CSS目录文件之前。这意味着第三方插件和您自己的自定义。css文件将始终优先。

  • 您可以允许任何主题创建者在您选择的论坛的主题中编辑他们的第一篇文章。
  • 设置文章数量和主题数量作为统计显示在论坛索引中。
  • 整理评论明星。
  • 折叠(可选的最大大小)嵌入的图像在posts和显示他们在行。没有更多的大量堆叠的图像帖子!
  • 字体Awesome 5支持!
  • 加快弹出窗口和其他元素的动画速度。
  • 自定义默认错误页面,显示一个背景图像,自定义文本,更多!
  • 完整的信使框警告用户。
  • 论坛主题和帖子嵌入自定义!你可以让它们看起来很漂亮……
  • 还有更多的…实际上,我在之前的更新中放大了屏幕截图上传器,所以这里有一些更多的新东西在2.0.0中,加上自定义嵌入的1.0.0:




Status Updates的两个新外观,您可以调整每次更新所显示的行数。没有更多的超级截短更新!



这里有一个稍微长一点但可能仍然是部分的列表(HEADS UP!在实际的最新版本被批准之前,我偶尔会编辑描述。如果你在更改说明上看到的版本与Marketplace标题中的版本不匹配,这意味着一个新版本即将到来,只是在等待批准。)

2.0.0(晚2021年6月发布与Invsion社区4.6的版本一致)------------------------更新了4.6兼容性删除!在userphoto模板延迟加载 -  IPS已经包含在4.6 FIX本身一样!限制了论坛帖子的附件要么稍微破产或稍稍打破了4.6;修补。新的!最近状态更新,现在小部件三种可能的意见,并可以自定义每个更新线路输出的数 - 没有更多的二三线极限!TWEAK!用于显示两个主题,发帖量统计数据时,一起为更大的数新增加更多的空间!卸下论坛指标显示图标区域。新的! Append  badges at the end of forum titles when new content is within in index view - combine with removed icon area for a clean lean look. NEW! Above also does the same for link forums and password-protected forums. 1.3.0 ------------------------ NEW! Core - Lazy-load option for userphotos NEW! Forums - Index - Option to hide the circle-dot unread marker on sub-forums (sub-forum titles remain bolded when unread) NEW! Forums - Topics - append topic author's user group after author's name. Plain or formatted. ADD! A few new language strings to replace hard-coded text in settings. 1.2.0 ------------------------- UPDATE! Altered the breadcrumb hook. Home icon now inserted without replacing elements, home text removed via JS. UPDATE! Review stars now use the complete half-star icon instead of the default half and half-flipped approach. NEW! FA5 Pro licensed icons supported. FIX! Reverse Post Order in Topics setting when set to apply to all forums. FIX! Some sites do not ajax-load new pages of Forum topics, so I had to fix up the topic post numbering feature to account for that. UPDATE! Also improved the page numbering feature to work better with custom themes that have moved the .ipsComment_tools structure to the postContainer template instead of the post template KS 1.1.0 ------------------------- UPDATE! Added responsive phone-view to the Forums in-lined image feature, misc adjusted CSS. UPDATE! New javascript catch for Forums in-lined images: ANY paragraph with images that have inline-css styles are skipped. UPDATE! Sets min-row height for forum rows when do not show statistics on mobile views is enabled. UPDATE! Re-worked the Show Only Members on Online Users page. Now just sets the menu link to default to the members filter. No CSS hiding, all filters, including guests, still available. Best possible solution. NEW BY REQUEST! Site terms and conditions option: place in footer, use full theme instead of minimal. NOTE: These terms and conditions only appear on new registrations or when users are forced to accept changed terms and conditions. This KS setting allows them to be viewed at any time. NEW BY REQUEST! Posts numbered in Forum Topics. Either the actual universal post number or numerically 1-2-3 per-topic. KS 1.0.0 ------------------------- CORE: Compact Star Ratings Do Not Display Guests on the Online Users Page Enable Font Awesome 5 Support Default Search Results Order Member has Full Messenger Warning Community Guidelines Display with Full Theme, Not Minimal Community Privacy Policy Display with Full Theme, Not Minimal Display a Link to Your Guidelines in the Footer Adjust Animation Speeds Remove the Vertical Separators between the Menu Options in Userbar Replace Create menu option with an Icon Remove Userbar Member Avatar on Desktop View Manipulate the Mark Site Read Link - icon or text only, remove, or move to usermenu Manipulate the Default Stream Link - icon or text only, remove, or move to usermenu Manipulate the Home Breadcrumb Element - restore icon, display icon and text Remove the Last Breadcrumb Element Larger Profile Cover Photo Customizable Error Page FORUMS: Remove the title 'Forums' from the Index Page Append Category Descriptions Beneath Category Titles Forum Statistics Displayed - post count, topic count, both Table View - Do Not Show Forum Statistics on Tablet and Phone Views Table View - Remove Sub-Forums Indent and Angle Mark Adjust Grid View Title Size Force the Forums > Post Feed Widget to Pull Only First Posts Allow Authors to Always Edit First Initial Posts in Topics - selectable per forum Remove Topic Location from Date Line Add a Locked Icon to Locked Topic Titles Display Posts in Topics in Order of Latest Posts to Oldest Posts in Select Forums, selectable per forum, see details for explanation/warnings Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Top Posters to Display Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Popular Days to Display Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Image Attachments to Display Display only the Time of Post Entry - removes the word 'Posted' Hide the MultiQuote Button Hide the Quote Link/Button Change the Quote Link into a Button Set a Limit on the Number of Attachments per Post - see details for limitations Float Image Attachments in Posts - collapses attached images side-by-side instead of stacking them Customizable Topic Embeds Customizable Post Embeds GALLERY: miniAlbum template tweaks BLOGS: Larger Blog Cover Photo Larger Blog Title Size Hide the Blog Header on Blog Entries Adjust Blog Entry Photo Size CALENDAR: Squared Edges on Event Listings Remove "Event Details" Title Text from Event View Larger Event Cover Photo Larger Event Title Size DOWNLOADS: Customize the Size of the Screenshots Carousel - height and width separately COMMERCE: Enlarge Product View - Primary Product Image Enlarge Product View - Thumb Images Adjust Product View - Product Title Font Size


是的,绝对!这才是重点。这是一个活生生的应用程序. 你可以期待事情随着时间的推移而来又去。不过有一些基本规则。如果我认为它太复杂了,或者我认为一旦我开始它,它会更好,因为它是自己的插件,我会通过。只需询问支持主题,我们就可以开始了。这里主要关注的是在洗牌过程中通常会丢失的小事情。调整、翻转、轻推。诸如此类的事情。我最终决定了,你可能喜欢也可能不喜欢我的决定。。。

如果他们在套件中添加了一些我在这里修复/添加的东西,那么它可能会从Kitchen Sink中移除。不需要重复功能。如果这个插件中的某些东西由于IPS套件的变化而损坏,我当然会尝试修复它,如果它是可修复的,或者我可能会删除它,直到它可以修复;我希望这些年来事情会有所改变,你也应该改变。



如果你有custom.css或第三方插件发生冲突,或者你的自定义主题移动了元素,等等,我也无能为力。我可以在支持主题上给你一些帮助,但是你(或主题作者)越远离默认的IPS结构,钩子和CSS调用就越难工作。厨房水槽的大部分应该适合每个人。我不支持修改主题,但如果时间允许,我会伸出援手。这个插件已经在4.5.3版本的Invision Community上进行了测试,没有加载其他插件,也没有custom.cs狗万最低限额s。






  • 编辑器附件限制功能的快速补丁(缺少斜杠…)
  • 修改了KS版本中的各种文本机场核心计划位置(之前忘记到2.0.0了)




  • 创建新的。。。