Mail Bouncer是一个完全自动化的应用程序,通过第三方电子邮件服务SparkPost, SendGrid, Mandrill或亚马逊SES/SNS处理电子邮件反弹和垃圾邮件投诉。硬反弹如果检测到硬反弹,所有发给该用户的电子邮件将立即被禁用,他们将被置于“验证”状态,这意味着IPS4将阻止他们访问社区,直到他们更新了电子邮件地址。软弹软弹计算天数,如果他们超过1反弹会显示一条警告消息,如果他们超过4反弹将会被转化为一个“硬反弹”垃圾邮件报告通过山魈,SparkPost, SendGrid或亚马逊SES / SNS当用户点击“垃圾邮件”美国在线/ Gmail / YahooMail等等,这个用户被阻止发送电子邮件给他们。用户会在每个页面上看到一条信息,告诉他们应该更新他们的电子邮件首选项,而不是将电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件。他们有机会再次选择进入电子邮件,一旦他们选择-在Mandrill侧块也被删除。将“垃圾邮件”用户从服务拒绝名单中删除可能会损失少量的声誉。为了防止用户利用这一点,他们只允许选择加入一次。拒绝邮件Bouncer应用程序将了解你现有的拒绝名单,因为电子邮件发送给他们(这不会损害你的声誉),这允许应用程序开始告诉用户更新他们的电子邮件地址立即。此应用程序是一个零配置应用程序,提供您的Mandrill/SparkPost/SendGrid API键设置是存在的(零配置不包括亚马逊SES/SNS)。 Amazon SES/SNS Setting up Amazon SES/SNS is a more involved process, you will be responsible for configuring SNS and ensuring that it is functional and sending data to the Mail Bouncer SNS endpoint (details displayed after app installation). Requirements You must use Mandrill, SparkPost, SendGrid or Amazon SES Email Services cURL Ability for your server to communicate with 3rd party APIs (external connections) Support If you require any support for this product please create a Technical Support ticket in the Client Area. You will need to register an account if you do not already have one. You must supply your IPS Community email address. Submitter stoo2000 Submitted 02/08/2014 Category Applications and Plugins
Mail Bouncer是一个完全自动化的应用程序,通过第三方电子邮件服务SparkPost, SendGrid, Mandrill或亚马逊SES/SNS处理电子邮件反弹和垃圾邮件投诉。硬反弹如果检测到硬反弹,所有发给该用户的电子邮件将立即被禁用,他们将被置于“验证”状态,这意味着IPS4将阻止他们访问社区,直到他们更新了电子邮件地址。软弹软弹计算天数,如果他们超过1反弹会显示一条警告消息,如果他们超过4反弹将会被转化为一个“硬反弹”垃圾邮件报告通过山魈,SparkPost, SendGrid或亚马逊SES / SNS当用户点击“垃圾邮件”美国在线/ Gmail / YahooMail等等,这个用户被阻止发送电子邮件给他们。用户会在每个页面上看到一条信息,告诉他们应该更新他们的电子邮件首选项,而不是将电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件。他们有机会再次选择进入电子邮件,一旦他们选择-在Mandrill侧块也被删除。将“垃圾邮件”用户从服务拒绝名单中删除可能会损失少量的声誉。为了防止用户利用这一点,他们只允许选择加入一次。拒绝邮件Bouncer应用程序将了解你现有的拒绝名单,因为电子邮件发送给他们(这不会损害你的声誉),这允许应用程序开始告诉用户更新他们的电子邮件地址立即。此应用程序是一个零配置应用程序,提供您的Mandrill/SparkPost/SendGrid API键设置是存在的(零配置不包括亚马逊SES/SNS)。 Amazon SES/SNS Setting up Amazon SES/SNS is a more involved process, you will be responsible for configuring SNS and ensuring that it is functional and sending data to the Mail Bouncer SNS endpoint (details displayed after app installation). Requirements You must use Mandrill, SparkPost, SendGrid or Amazon SES Email Services cURL Ability for your server to communicate with 3rd party APIs (external connections) Support If you require any support for this product please create a Technical Support ticket in the Client Area. You will need to register an account if you do not already have one. You must supply your IPS Community email address.35.00美元