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  1. 使用Trader Feedback System在你的社区或基于论坛的市场中建立信任。万博最佳平台这个应用程序允许成员在社区交易中给彼此留下反馈。成员可以留下正面、负面或中立的反馈可选或强制链接到内容项的反馈能力链接到大多数内容项的反馈(包括第三方,例如Classifieds)与Invision社区的通知系统集成在成员档案中集成反狗万最低限额馈信息基于成员组限制访问和功能反馈提交Captcha反馈提交洪水控制iTrader转换器(在vBulletin转换期间可在IPS转换器应用程序中使用)如果您需要对本产品的任何支持,请在客户区创建一个技术支持票。你需要注册一个账户。提交07/25/2010类别应用和插件
  2. 扳手


    文件名称:(SD)销售门户Pro提交人:Spanner提交:01/02/2014类别:商务讨论URL: http://www.ipsbeyond.pl/topic/8523-aplikacje-sd-sales-portal-pro/支持信息:支持主题,app特级支持!!支持版本:IP。2.4博客。Application (SD) sales Portal Pro是一个专业的销售平台,用户可以在该平台上销售类似于ebay.com的商品。完整的功能是可用的IP。Nexus功能:Abbility与专用的权限创建分类树,每个类别Abbility创建不同包Abbility从sels项commistion Abbility为类别定义定制字段Abbility生成主题从选定的类别提供Abbility创建FAQ Abbility出售的许多项目在同一时间Abbility创建访问限制归档旧报价搜索报价评论拍卖全文搜索没有评论权限,当报价在存档能力,避免mod队列能力购买没有IP。Nexus能力重建所有类别能力选择要求:价格,图像和数量每类别能力在ACP上添加购买IP。联系purchases Abbility to add fields showing after purchase Menu showing on all pages Abbility to manage all own purchases Abbility to count field views in offer Statistics (offer, counting fields) Shipping methods Comments after purchase Automatic resizing images Abbility to add own tracking code Advanced restrictions for all IPS applications Abbility to create restriction for any application Abbility to import offers Abbility to renew offers in mass Pagination on home page Abbility to add news Abbility to create custom blocks Simple advert module Generating Google sitemap RSS with latest offers Support (SD) Newsletter Functionality "Price proposal" Information about amount of comments in offer view Event logs Abbility to move offers in mass Abbility to un-approve approved offer Confirm message when ending offer manually Abbility to bump offer Quick navigation Abbility to create auction Abbility to duplicate offer Abbility to limit images per offer Media tag Abbility to end offer manually with choosing winner Support premium IP.Content block Auto-bid Abbility to sell files View File
  3. 首先,我不是一个技术人员,甚至不是一个计算机程序员,但我想贡献我的一点点知识,从我的其他管理人员和员工的推动来做这件事。我可以做下面的图:通过做下面的;1.转到:“定制”2。去:编辑“HTML/CSS”转到:“Global - Userbar”在下图中添加以下一行。
  4. My Support Tickets
  5. 编码快乐!PS请注意,这是一个定制的变化——再次请注意在你的自己的风险,我希望这可以帮助那些不希望它在导航条,我相信你,我没有侮辱任何人喜欢在导航,我只是没有一个人。 and this is for some of you who wish to have it on the 'profile menu. -Best wishes.. Anyone who can help me remove that bit of code so I can remove the 'support' from the navbar would be greatly appreciated. an image here has been attatched to show what I speak of -Brian
  • 我想要求将上下文菜单插件集成到套件中。几个增强编辑器可用性的有用插件依赖于上下文菜单插件,目前无法在不破坏编辑器的情况下安装。
  • 版本2.3.4


  • 请添加WhatsApp作为网站推广中的共享选项。我刚刚看了一下我的网站统计数据,超过50%的访问者是通过手机访问的。通过WhatsApp分享内容是一个很好的社区推广的必要选项。AddThis (http://www.addthis.com/blog/2014/08/13/new-services-added-including-whatsapp-sharing/#.VNqycMbZGC8)和AddToAny (https://www.addtoany.com/services/whatsapp_button)已经提供了WhatsApp的分享按钮。有一个准备使用的javascript,可以使用的IPS 4: http://whatsapp-sharing.com
  • 如果可以在日历应用程序中使用24小时时钟,那就太好了,24小时时钟是大多数非英语国家的书面标准,这使得适当的本地化有点困难。
  • 在定制默认主题时,IPS4中的新主题设置令人印象深刻。但是除了背景颜色、文本颜色和徽标之外,我还希望将谷歌字体这样的字体Web服务集成到主题设置中。因此,对于基本用户来说,从Fonts Web Service中选择和更改字体家族就像文本颜色和背景颜色一样容易。
  • 嗨,伙计们,我试着用下面的代码在自定义css中改变标题的背景:现在当我访问一个论坛,主题的背景也改变了。即使我使用:first-of-type选择器。我哪里做错了?或者有没有更好的方法来改变标题的背景?(在样式向导我只能选择颜色-没有图像)。感谢您的支持!
  • 在旧的界面中,人们可以找到所有的错误代码,并查找它们的意思。目前的新界面不再有链接,我认为现在所有到大多数地区代码是最终的。他们能不能在IPS4资源链接中列出,这样人们就可以查找它们的意思了?
  • 查看文件[XI]服务器管理34]服务器管理[XI。3.4] Server Management is an application aimed at gaming communities. The core feature is to share information about the servers you run to your members and player base. The secondary feature is share credential information to select groups on your website. Core Features: Live server querying for online players and the current map Dedicated server list and credential list pages Credential manager for sharing specific passwords with website groups per server IP.Content and board index hook for server list display Multiple themes for server list display so you can select what fits your website best Map image retrieval and management using GameTracker Server country flag display using GeoIP Option to use hostnames rather than IP addresses Instant join icons for voice servers and Steam supported games HLSW and Xfire bookmarking integration BigBrotherBot Repository manager for viewing of server chat logs (Beta) This application uses two external utilities: Game Query Library: https://github.com/Austinb/GameQ GeoIP Library: http://www.maxmind.com/en/geolocation_landing You should ensure that these utilities run on your server before purchasing. Brought to you by the XtremeIdiots Gaming Community Update Notes: Please take a backup of your server management database tables before updating to ensure there is no loss of data. Submitter Rugger Submitted 10/23/2013 Category User and Social Engagement Discussion URL Support Info

    I will give support via this forum or additionally I can be contacted through my main forums xtremeidiots.com

    Supported Versions IP.Board 3.4.x
  • 权限集。有成千上万的用户,我们有大量的组。IPS3:可配置的权限集,很容易选择和应用到一个或多个组(本可以更简单,但正在工作)很多很多小时试图纠正错误的翻译之前的权限,并从以前的版本更改对系统的影响。以前只需要几分钟的时间(设置权限集并应用到几个组),现在只需要几个小时,这不仅是因为权限已经分散到很多地方,几乎不可能验证两个或200个组是否拥有正确的权限。客户和客人支持。我们的绝大多数访客都是非会员,他们需要有效的方式与我们沟通。IPS3:支持表单,允许客人直接将请求发送到具有定制字段的相关部门。IPS4:这已经被页面底部的“联系我们”表单所取代,消息无处可寻(甚至在问题配置的电子邮件中也没有)。内容交付和页面。 To deliver our homepage to our members and visiters. IPS3: content was stored as articles which had its quirks. But worked after a few adjustments to templates. IPS4: Content is replaced by Databases where more things are pre-defined and as only a single page is allowed to link to a database, I can't even if I wanted to have a page that displayed two records from a database while having another page that displayed a category. It's simply so annoyingly limited that to even get remotely close to what we wanted to do, each category was setup as its own database. Editors. To manage content and update the page and ensure quality of content. IPS3: Editors was a rough setting, allowing editing of everything site-wide. This was madness, so we had to strictly limit the people allowed to edit content. IPS4: There seems to be no way beyond administrators to edit content. Sure there are settings for this, but users allowed to edit content by settings still can't. We have an open ticket regarding this, but this has moved all content management tasks from our managers to our admins for the past month. Documentation. So that we can find out how to do what we need to do. IPS3: The documentation from IPS was extensive and in most parts pretty good. IPS4: Since the upgrade of invisionpower.com the documentation and most content has been completely broken. It has been broken for months. Not even the old IPS3 documentation works very well as most content contains cross-reference links, links that no longer work. I had something here about Adminpanel access, but it was fixed in 4.1.6. All in all: We have spent more time upgrading from IPS3 to IPS4 than we did implementing IPS3 to start with. With what I know today, we should have stayed in IPS3, because there are so many parts of IPS4 that is still very flawed. On the bright side, we love the responsiveness of the site now.
  • 也许是一个简单的解决方案,但不是马上就能解决的。成员有他们的主要和次要组分配;如何从成员中移除所有次级组的分配?我不知道如何操作浏览器中的列表框(可能是Windows键盘快捷键的问题?)简单地说,一旦分配了二级分组,随后就不可能回到“none”。
  • 文件名:Track Members文件提交人:Adriano Faria文件提交:2013年2月03日董事会3.4.xSo, you are suspicious of any member? Want to follow closely what he does on your board? This application will help you to trace the steps of this member in the following actions: Account actions Sign in Sign out Change Display Name Change Password Change Email Address Create Topic Reply to a Topic Edit a Post View Topic Follow Forum/Topic Like/Reputation System Forums Search New Private Message Private Message Reply View Profile Add a New Friend Remove a Friend New Status Update Reply Status Update Delete Status Update Reply Delete Status Update Members Search Add Event Edit Event Submit Event Comment Like/Reputation System to Events and Events Comments Follow Event Events Search Upload File Edit File Submit File Review Report a File as Broken Like/Reputation System (file reviews) Follow File Files Search Create Album Publish Image/Media Edit Image/Media Submit Image Comment Like/Reputation System to image/media and image/media comments Follow Image/Media Images/Medias Search Create Blog Post Entry Submit Entry Comment Like/Reputation System to entries and entries comments Follow Entry Entries Search Add Advert Edit Advert Adverts Search Submit Tutorial Edit Tutorial Submit Tutorial Comment Like/Reputation System to tutorials and tutorials comments Follow Tutorial Tutorials Search Submit Link Edit Link Submit Link Comment Like/Reputation System to links and links comments Follow Link Links Search Add Video Edit Video Submit Vieo Comment Like/Reputation System to videos and videos comments Follow Video Videos Search [*]Forum Actions [*]Profile Actions [*]Calendar Actions [*]Downloads Actions [*]Gallery Actions [*]Blogs Actions [*]Classifieds Actions [*]Tutorials Actions [*]Links Directory Actions [*]Videos System Actions A member can be tracked/untracked and all actions (above) can be changed at any time on his profile, with a simple click! Features: Export Member Logs to PDF Log page on profile view totally reworked Track logs link in personal card and member's list Setting to track new members, with option to track for a specific number of days Setting to tie Track Members to Warn System Setting to admin define number of log entries in logs page (profile view and Admin CP Management module) Setting to log management, where you can prune logs by number of days Tab on Moderator CP to list all tracked members (with log entries), with option to view the last 10 logged actions, all logged actions (link to profile logs) and stop tracking link Module on Admin CP to list all tracked members and their log entries, with possibility to prune logs and stop tracking the member Module on Admin CP to prune logs, prune orphaned logs, track all members (by group or all groups) and stop tracking all members. here to download this file
  • 只是想知道是否有人能帮助转换这个3。X脚本变成4.x?我使用它将访问者发送到我的“主题演示板”,同时也为他们分配一个特定的主题。ie。如果点击这样的URL: site.com/forums/skinchange.php?id=10,它将把访问者带到论坛,并将他们的主题id更改为10。版本4使用了一个表单/按钮的“主题改变”而不是一个URL,所以我只是想知道谁有更多的知识比我自己能够帮助。的3。下面是X脚本。< ?/** *
     * Invision Power Services * IP。董事会v3.2.0 * Simple skin change script * Place in your site root directory to send a user to a specified skin * Last Updated: $Date: 2011-03-11 06:59:39 -0500 (Fri, 11 Mar 2011) $ * 
    * * @author $Author: ips_terabyte $ * @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license http://www.invisionpower.com/community/board/license.html * @package IP.Board * @link http://www.invisionpower.com * @version $Rev: 8031 $ * */ define( 'IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT', 'index.php' ); define( 'IPB_THIS_SCRIPT', 'public' ); require_once( './initdata.php' );/*noLibHook*/ require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' );/*noLibHook*/ require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsController.php' );/*noLibHook*/ $reg = ipsRegistry::instance(); $reg->init(); if ( $_GET['id'] ) { @header("Location: " . str_replace( '&', '&', ipsRegistry::$settings['base_url'] ) . '&settingNewSkin=' . intval( $_GET['id'] ) . '&k=' . $reg->member()->form_hash ); } else { die("No ID passed"); } exit();Thanks to anyone who can help!
  • 所以我只是想知道为什么当我看我的网站地图没有主题列在那里,但在IPB官方网站地图上有?https://community.invisionpower.com/sitemap.php现在我正在使用网站地图的“推荐设置”功能。我去看了每个论坛,他们都设置为“1”。那么为什么在使用默认设置时没有添加主题呢?谁能解释?
  • 几乎每个网站和社交服务都有一个“图像框”功能,显示大图片,可以预加载下一个图片(2-3或更多)。为什么IPS没有这个功能?这是非常恼人的,当你看到一个屏幕截图,然后你点击下一个,看到预加载图标:为什么不加载下一个图像在观看前一个?
  • 网站运行4.0.13.1在Apache 2.2和PHP 5.6.1 Base url在conf_global.php是https每当登录,SSL(挂锁)是坏的…检查页面中的调用,它是/upload /set_resources_1/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_select_dropdown.png文件正在被HTTP调用…奇怪的是,/upload /set_resources_1/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_photo.png是通过https加载的。对此有什么建议或解决办法吗?我们正在对这个网站进行封闭测试,但当我们启动时,用户不会喜欢看到“被破坏的”加密锁,即使问题是在同一个服务器上请求图像。谢谢提前
  • 在一个测试网站上,它花了很长时间通过后台过程重建内容,讨论了几百万个帖子,大量的画廊图片,如何加快这些“后台进程”,因为目前无法看到,如果它将需要几天的时间来重建,我如何能升级“活动”网站?
  • 你好,自从1.4。显示名称已被删除。然而,我的社区需要这个功能,我们不能继续推进1.4。没有它x。使登录名私有且与公共名(显示名)不同是一种安全特性。此外,由于电子邮件可以修改,识别成员的唯一方法是登录名。我们真的需要这个再次启动,因为它,我们仍然运行1.3.9版本。我希望我们不是唯一陷入死胡同的人。
  • 头手倒立


    查看文件简报允许管理员创建、编辑和管理自定义简报及其内容。像最新主题或最新博客条目这样的内容形式可以自动分发,而管理员只需要设置简报并让它运行即可。功能管理员可以为要分发的简报创建自定义标题和内容管理员可以为简报分发设置自动间隔(每日、每周、每月、每年)或手动自定义分发日期。允许管理员设置哪些组的人将收到通讯(成员,管理员,版主,等)允许管理员创建多个悬而未决的问题的通讯管理员能够查看所有问题的基于ip通讯允许多种内容类型组件安装在当前环境下通讯可以分布在纯文本或HTML格式成员可以订阅/ unscribe任何可用的通讯成员可以随时决定哪些格式(纯文本或HTML)他们想接收管理员可以自定义每个通讯网络的HTML和CSS布局视图支持的所有通讯问题内容类型生日活动特色博客上下载热门专辑图片热博客热数据库记录热门下载热门话题最新专辑图片最新博客条目最新数据库记录最新下载最新话题提交人头立提交2011年11月11日类别推广支持版本
  • JohnCourt


  • 我做了一个“真正的”董事会3.4.8 4.1.4时间比较 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我现在的生活网站(3.4.8):http://www.mysite.com/forum应用程序运行在这一个 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 博客v2.6.3画廊v5.0.5视频系统v3.0.3报价系统v2.0.0追踪v2.1.3日历v3.3.4数独v1.5 v2.1.1钩子运行下一个通知系统----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DevFuse版权去除v1.0.0 -RAW33——浏览最多的话题v1.0.0 (DDK33)指数面临v2.0.5开始奔逃通知系统v2.1.1画廊:在板索引中显示相册v1.0.0视频系统(Post As Video) v3.0.2视频系统(侧边栏挂钩)v3.0.2状态更新v1.0.0广告代码侧边栏v1.0.0最近的博客条目v2.5.2 Gallery Images v4.0.2 (SOS32)图像视图广告v1.0.1提到v1.0.4谷歌登录v1.0.1 Gallery lightbox v1.0.0&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我的测试板(4.1.4):从3.4.8 http://www.mysite.com/test(使用完全相同的数据库升级)下运行的应用程序 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 系统4.1.4锁定论坛4.1.4 Ac kı博客4.1.4 Ac kı画廊4.1.4 Ac kı视频3.1.7 Ac kı日历4.1.4 Ac kı生日迎宾1.4.1没有插件还 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 结果(左3.4.8——右4.1.4)让我们清楚一些:我运行这个测试20次,这就是我通过4天测试……3.4.8有大量的应用程序和钩子仍然运行得比4.1.4快(我喜欢4.1.4)我使用这个网站来测试:http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/你可以看到他们是在同一台服务器上http://www.mysite.com/3.4.8网站的速度比61% http://www.mysite.com/4.1.4网站超过56%,他们使用相同的服务器相同的数据库,php相同,相同的,相同的,相同的和服务器信息:总处理器:16 - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz 32 MB Ram 512 SSD等等…
  • 艾哈迈德·E。


    文件名:File Scanner提交者:Ahmad El-Oukly Submitted: 01/23/2015 Category: Utilities Demo: Discussion URL: Supported Versions: IP。董事会3.4.x支持Info : Support will be provided through the support topic. This scans all (according to your settings) files in your IPS root directory and notifies you of changes, deletions and creations of files. I use it myself to always know if my site has been compromised A ReadMe file is included, you will be notified through an email (your community income email will receive the notifications). By default it runs every 30minutes, you can adjust that in the System Scheduler. You can choose from following settings: Extensions to scan [ALL|PHP|JS|HTML|System|PERL/CGI|INC/TPL|Images] Exclude (exclude file names or full paths) Follow Symbolic links? Support will be provided through the support topic. Feature requests/suggestions are welcomed as well View File
  • 如果我们也能通过电子邮件回复pm,那就太好了。可以让我避免不小心收到的无数邮件。
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